Our Plans

Here’s the plan and we shall see what transpires. By the way, “we” is Evelyn and Steve. And Evelyn is writing this blog. Steve will quit his job somewhere around November 1st. We will sell both of our cars, put our furniture in storage, rent out the house, and take off for Oregon to have work done on our Winnebago View. Then we are going to visit friends in Oregon and California and hopefully see Steve’s nephew before he deploys again to the Mideast . After that we will meander slowly down the coast of California and see what we can see. On January 6th we will meet up with a group of travelers in Arizona and then cross the border to Mexico. The plan is to mostly follow the west coast down past Acapulco before going inland and to make our way to Chetumal in the Yucatan. After that it’s Belize, Guatemala, Honduras (keep your fingers crossed), Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and finally Panama. This trip is to be 10 months long. Then about March 2011 we would like to ship the View to Europe for hopefully a year or more of touring.