Today’s Assignment

Grazing land?

In yesterday’s Blogging 101 assignment we were to leave a comment on at least four other blogs that we had never commented on before.  Now if I had known in advance that today’s assignment would be to write a blog post relating to one of those comments I might have set myself up for something fun to write about.  On the other hand, the subject matter of the blog post I linked to below is very dear to me mainly because of the animals that suffer, our health, and the damage to the environment.

A 19 year old Austrian student named Fabien has a blog called “Things To Think About” and wrote a post called Memoires of a Cow. I urge you to read this because it is so well written and so moving, but also with a word of caution; you might cry and you might never eat meat again.

I left a comment, the only comment this particular post has had.  Perhaps you can add your own to his blog as it is fairly new and I doubt that it is widely read at this point.

My husband and I eat a plant based diet at least 95% of the time. On Christmas Eve we fell off the wagon and had a bit of ham but after reading Fabien’s post we won’t fall off the wagon again.

These cows in Bavaria want to live like this forever

Poor Dog

Today a dog followed my mom and me back to the RV park from the market for no reason other than the fact that I spoke nicely to it.  It was pathetically thin and mangy.  The RV neighbor next to us saw it and gave it some fish and then I fed it some bread and broth and gave it water. 

Now 1/2 hour later, Brian, the owner of this RV park came over and chastised me for feeding it and asked what I was going to do about the dog now because it probably wouldn’t leave.  The dog never set foot inside the RV park, instead staying just outside the wall.

Then a nearby neighbor came over and they were all pissed because of this dog out there and saying they should shoot the SOB.  A few minutes later they killed it by hitting it over the head with a shovel.  It wasn’t a painless death.

I wished I had not paid for one month in advance because I would leave today.  The name of this RV park is Little Rig RV Park.


Molly is pouting because she feels excluded since we are always posting pictures and writing about Tulip. Here she is with Bunny, who is missing his innards. IMG_2713 Anyway Molly is a Cairn Terrier (Toto, Wizard of Oz type dog) age 6.  She was born in Delta, Colorado and we lived in the Redlands, Grand Junction, Colorado when we got her so her registered name is “Redlands Delta Dawn”.  Here are a couple of her baby pictures:


Molly has loads of spunk (actually too much because she bosses us around and gets away with it) and is very agile.  Here she is doing the splits:


One trait of Cairn Terriers is that they are fickle about their hair color and so at times they are light and other times dark and all in between.