Four Years Since My Last Post!

I recently upgraded the subscription to my blogging platform, Word Press; but don’t ask me why other than I received 50% off. Today I thought I would check out what the upgrade entails and before you know it I was reading old posts. I came to one dated 16 Sep 16 where I wrote:

“Over the years I have followed blogs that suddenly leave me hanging and it makes me kind of angry. Did they have an accident? Did they get divorced? Or worse, are they dead? Why don’t they say SOMETHING, ANYTHING?!”

Big oops because that is me and I sincerely apologize to those who have wondered about us. We didn’t have an accident, get divorced, no one has died, and we still live in Mexico. Well, I take that back. Sixteen year old little Molly died last year. Recording memories of and taking pictures of our travels was always my subject matter theme. We haven’t gone anywhere in the past four years so I didn’t feel like I had much to write about. We have been to Colorado a few times to see family and made one trip in our RV to Mazatlan early last year. That’s it.

I just never wanted to write about our day to day at home happenings. And the few times I did, I ended up going back and deleting those posts in order not to dilute the travel posts with minutiae.

I do miss blogging sometimes so what do I do? I will have to think about this.