Brewery Tour–Not

A fairly large group of twenty+ from the RV park signed on for a Pacifico brewery tour for yesterday late afternoon.  We all took the pangas over to the city and then walked to the brewery.


The brewery is below in the tall buildings


We all knew in advance to wear long pants and closed in shoes but some of us had shoes closed in the front but open in the back.  One woman had closed flats and pants that reached just a hair above the ankle.  Not good enough.  Seven of us did not participate in the tour.   We sure weren’t going to have our day ruined and so we went to the rooftop of a hotel for drinks and 360 degree views.  This rejection turned out to be quite nice. 








I believe we were 12 floors high.  There’s an elevator to the first nine and then a stair climb the rest of the way.


When the brewery tour was over, most of the rest of the group met up with us on the rooftop where we subsequently split up to various restaurants in the area.  Our group went to a cozy restaurant in old town near the Plaza Machada. Afterwards we walked over to the busy plaza surrounded by several restaurants and listened to the musicians for a bit.

Since there were too many of us for a little golf cart taxi, we took a bigger taxi which was the back of a red pickup truck.  The driver turned his stereo up to the “YMCA” tune which everyone sang along to.


The evening was a blast and I especially enjoyed the camaraderie of the group.  Lots of laughter – lots of fun.

Botanical Gardens Again and Again

Steve has often heard me say that my dream would be to live next door to a botanical garden and here it is just a few steps away.  What could be better than an ocean and a garden residing almost side by side with just the RV park in between?  It’s interesting  that as many times as I’ve walked through the gardens, there has not been one other person inside other than a gardener and a watchman.


The watchman is usually outside the gate but when I go in he follows me at a discreet distance.  The first few times it unnerved me but now I think he is just watching for my safety since I’m alone.  He was smiling right before this picture was taken but many Mexicans don’t smile for pictures which is okay.



I doubt anyone is going to try and climb this fence.  It’s only in a small area and is more of a divider to the fruit tree garden.


The sun is reflected in the water above.  I am currently using a 30 day trial of Adobe’s Lightroom and I would say it’s a keeper. The picture below is what the one above looked like before a lot of corrections.  It’s a different shot but the one above was identical in it’s exposure.


It is fun looking at photo sites where the photographer displays the before and after picture and reveals what corrections they made.  I corrected the one above so much that I can’t even remember it all. I’m sure that if I was totally proficient with the software the picture would look better yet.






A large area has been set aside as a fruit tree garden.  Just a few of the trees have fruit on them now.



For the life of me, the name of this fruit escapes me.


There is a mass planting of this ground cover in front of the gate.  It is just starting to bloom and should be pretty spectacular soon.  The leaves are so shiny.


Last but not least is my personal favorite.  I walk over and look at this bougainvillea every day.  There are actually several growing on the outside wall.

Three Islands

The same day I moved over to RV2, one of the men here asked if I knew the name of the three islands that are closest to us.  I knew the one on the left is usually referred to as Bird Island but assumed Robin was now going to tell me the actual names in Spanish.


The one referred to as Bird Island is Alfred Hitchcock.  Imagine him laying on the back of his head and the bump on top being his nose.  There is a resemblance.


The island on the left is King Kong but I can’t see it.  The island on the right is The Sphynx and I saw that right away on the left side.