Carnaval Parade 2024

It’s been on my mind often that I promised you pictures of the Carnaval parade three months ago and finally it’s time for me to follow through.

I normally don’t like to make excuses but I did have a few. I didn’t feel well the night of the parade and became quite ill after we went back to the condo. I wrote a critical post about the experience of having gall bladder surgery and then deleted it. For such an easy surgery it took almost two months to recover and I was pretty down about it and just not in the mood to do much of anything. The past one month I’ve been very busy researching and then making reservations for two cruises in the fall, a trip to Colorado next month, plus making all the plane and hotel reservations needed. We haven’t taken a cruise since November 2016 (South America) and so we are very excited. I will write more about our plans in my next post.

I needed to do some maintenance on this site and got myself in a mess where I had to go private for a while until I could figures things out and get the site back up. My theme template is no longer supported and so I had to find another one. That led to me having to pay for one and then pay more to be able to customize it. All these things used to be included with the subscription price but like everything else there are add-ons on top of add-ons. I still have more work to do but at least the site is functioning again.

We missed the first half of the parade because there were fire crackers going off in the next building and our dog Mitzi was a nervous wreck. She finally found a shelf of towels in a bathroom to tuck herself into.

We watched the parade from our 11th floor condo last year and it was just too far of a distance to see the floats clearly so this year and in the future we will go downstairs. There are too many negatives to living so high up and in hindsight we would not do it again.

There were many dancing performers between the floats that never seemed to take a break. So much energy! Those pictures didn’t turn out well and so I didn’t post any. Here are a few from the only the second half of the Carnaval parade.

2 thoughts on “Carnaval Parade 2024

  1. Great photos! Sorry your surgery and recovery didn’t go well. Happy to hear you are feeling more like yourself. Looking forward to some cruise photos and Colorado photos.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello J! And I’m happy you are still here reading my infrequent posts. My dream is to get back to traveling and blogging like we used to do. These cruises will be a trial run.


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